Unconvent. Abbrevs.: When I Think Parma, I Think Nursing Homes
Case: D2001-0734
Domain(s): cariparma.com
Complainant: Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza S.p.A.
Respondent: GFA Garavaglia Fragetta, Angelo
The Defense:
Respondent states that "cariparma" name is a very useful name for businesses involving Parma: Cari amici di Parma (dear friends of/from Parma); Cari prodotti di Parma (dear goods of/from Parma), or CAse di RIposo di PARMA (nursing/retirement homes of Parma). Respondent informs the Panel that <cariparma.com> was registered and maintained in the light of the many nursing homes in Parma Province, providing the Panel with the full list of the retirement houses of Parma and surroundings (about 15).