New Bergerber Man

Lost in Translation

With all the words in all the languages in the world, you’d think you could come up with a plausible non-English homonym (homograph?) for pretty much any domain name. But you’d be wrong, as the linguists below will demonstrate.

It Shouldn’t Happen to a Uruguayan Dog
Case D2000-0428: Yahoo! Inc. vs. Jorge O. Kirovsky

Something Fabulous This Way Comes
Case 2000-0925: General Electric Company vs. Basalt Management

Administrative Panel, You So Crazy
Case D2000-1254: Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. vs. HarperStephens

We Need To Talk About Pine Needle
Case D2001-0741: Repsol YPF, S.A. vs.

Redseek and Ye Shall Redfind
Case D2001-1035: Red Bull GmbH. vs. Grey Design

Case D2001-1465: Pfizer Inc. vs. Ivan Glukhov (Glucotrol Administrator WWW Server)

I Am Ndex, Hear Me Roar
Case D2001-1486: Yandex Technologies Ltd (1), Comptek International Ltd (2), Yandex Inc (3) vs. Law Bureau of Moscow City Collegium of Advocates

The Cat-Rainbow-Sympathy Parade
Case D2002-0083: Federated Western Properties, Inc. vs. Mr. Faton Brezica aka "Its Me Haraqi" and "Its Me Pr"

Les Jeux De Worms Sont Faits
Case D2002-0418: Banque Worms vs. FW, Spencer, Steven

And “Mofos” Means “Maternal Frontiers”
Case D2002-0446: Tinfos Jernverk AS vs.

The End As I Know It: A Novel of Millennial Anxiety, by proprietor Kevin Shay, is now available in paperback.

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