Category: Virtues
Charity Castle (1917)
The second-earliest mynope presently in the collection.
Charity (Mary Miles Minter)
Faith in the Future (1995)
TV series
Hard as it is to believe, this British series apparently did not involve any time travel at all!
Faith Grayshot (Lynda Bellingham)
Hope & Faith (2003)
TV series
Pretty gutsy, putting Ted McGinley in a new show from the get-go. Also, Faith Ford plays Hope, which is bound to confuse anyone dumb enough to watch this. Faith Ford was funny on Murphy Brown. But have you ever tried to watch Murphy Brown in syndication? It’s the most dated thing ever. I really thought all those Dan Quayle jokes would hold up, but it turns out they don’t.
Hope Shanowski (Faith Ford)
Faith Fairfield (Kelly Ripa)
Leap of Faith (2002)
TV series
Faith Wardwell (Sarah Paulson)
Liberty Stands Still (2002)
Few titles can match this one for sheer literalness. And here’s the kicker: Wesley Snipes plays a sniper. See, Snipes aims his sniper rifle at Liberty, dials her cell, and makes her... stand still, while they discuss, I gather, his right to own a sniper rifle (not sure who’s pro and who’s con). Astute moviegoers will note a certain similarity to another recent thriller, whose working title was Colin Farrell Stands Still in a Phone Booth.
Liberty Wallace (Linda Fiorentino)
Poetic Justice (1993)
Here’s the pitch, you guess the title:
A young woman named Justice turns up dead of an overdose. The coroner determines that she ingested 144 pills. Was it suicide, murder, or something even more sinister? One thing’s for sure: her death was _______________.
Justice (Janet Jackson)
Sweet Charity (1969)
Charity (Shirley MacLaine)