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Main | RightFields 1.2 Beta 1 Now Available »'s MT Plugins Site: Now With 100% More Blog

Ever since I started developing plugins for Movable Type, in 2002, the homepage of this section of simply contained a list of the plugins. This made it difficult for you, gentle plugin user, to keep track of when new plugins or versions were released. So I've relaunched this area of the site as a blog.

A blog? On a site devoted to plugins for a blogging platform? It sounds crazy, I know!

Each current and future plugin listed in the sidebar will still have its own static page, as opposed to being tied to a blog entry, but I'll announce and describe new plugins and updates here, as well as other items—code samples, MT coding tips, links to sites that are using my plugins in an interesting way, etc.

You can subscribe to the blog's RSS feed to keep up with all the latest plugin news.

The End As I Know It: A Novel of Millennial Anxiety, by proprietor Kevin Shay, is now available in paperback.

Please visit for more information.