Unconvent. Abbrevs.: The Weird World of Nettie Atteberry
Case: D2001-1160
Domain(s): worldnetatt.net
Complainant: AT&T Corp.
Respondent: W.N.A., a/k/a "Worldwide Network of Attornies" Farouk al Khalifa a/k/a Jaye Rayes and "World of Nettie Atteberry"
The Defense:
The domain name was then "transferred" (or "updated") to a registrant listed as the "Worldwide Network of Attornies," [sic], allegedly in Nairobi, Kenya, but with telephone and fax numbers having a Hong Kong prefix of 852.
...On or about October 18, 2001, the Center received an e-mail, purportedly from "Nettie Atteberry"...
...The document alleges that the "WORLD of NETTIE ATTEBERRY" is the registrant of <worldnetatt.net>, which had recently been acquired from fourcharities@hotmail.com for $2,500. This "registrant" is said to be the creator of the "World of Nettie Atteberry" stories and is not affiliated with the claims of the Complainant with regard to "bad faith" registration...